Saturday, February 21, 2009

They've sprouted!

The seeds that I sowed 3 days ago have sprouted. They weren't there yesterday which got me a little concerned about the soil. I used normal garden soil mixed with black lava sand this time round instead of the special seedling mix. I'm glad this works too.

These little ones are spinach seedlings:

The ones below are kai lan seedlings:
These are chye sim planted a couple of weeks ago.

I've also sowed some new kai lans here:

The one below is lettuce seedling. I've been tardy in keeping records and labels. I planted two different kinds of lettuce some weeks ago. I've got to wait until they get bigger before I can identify them.

Here is the other lettuce seedling. I know how all the seedlings look identical. These are not the true leaves yet. I find it's useful for me to blog at every stage so that I can always look back and track their progress. Well, the blog has become a very useful tool.

The one below with the sharp leaves is kang kong. Can't go wrong with this one.

Here's how much my brinjal (egg plant) has grown.

The potato plant is getting quite tall and straggly, I had to use bamboo poles to stake.

Due to the hot weather, the orchids have started blooming. These plants were left behind by the previous house owner. Here's a white dendrobium with purple tongue. We grow this variety commercially in our orchid farm too.

Here's a purple dendrobium.

I like this white dendrobium with blushing pink the best.

I bought some of these plants recently. Some withered and died due to the heat. After moving them to a shady spot, they're starting to reward me with pretty white blooms.

1 comment:

  1. It must be exciting when you see the things you have planted growing healthily.

    Love the orchids.
