Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Organic vegetables

While I'm resigned to growing herbs and little pots of vegetables like rocket and chives in my patio, I'm lucky to have a father who loves growing his own vegetables in his backyard.

Organic vegetables aren't as easy to grow as you think. If you keep using the same patch for too long, the vegetables get diseased easily. Hence my dad rotates the crops frequently and leaves some patches empty for months before sowing again.

He has a new batch of vegetables growing on newly tilled soil and gosh, they are so lush and gorgeous, we're helping ourselves to fresh organic greens as frequently as we possibly could.
Malabar spinach.
The young mustard green is less bitter and much more tender than the store bought ones.
Sweet potato leaves are delicious when cooked with spicy sambal.
Round leaf spinach which becomes so tender and soft when cooked.

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