Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Coleus is flowering!

This is my first attempt at growing coleus, so I have completely no expectations. Its colourful leaves are already a nice addition to my otherwise green garden, now it's producing baby blue flowers too. Nice!


  1. Thank you. I was attracted to the colourful foliage, that's why I had to bring it home!

  2. oh.. i heard from the man at WOrld Farm coleus don't survive well in SG.. he's wrong then! Yours are amazing!

  3. Really? My patio is bright with no direct sunlight, maybe that's just right for coleus.

  4. Be careful with coleus that flowers. If you want the plant to grow a little longer you need to pinch off the flowers. If you allow the plant to flower continuously it will deteriorate overtime.

    I must say the leaves a really pretty.

  5. Chawanmushi - Really? I want the plant to grow longer, so the flower will have to go.

  6. Ting,
    Pinch off the flower after you enjoy it! Coleus die off after flowering! I got to know from the nursery guy nearby when i complain to him that my coleus don't survive!

  7. Beautiful coleus, Ting!

    I think the others are right about the flowering will mean end of lifetime for the plant. Same applies for basil. After flowering, the plant would just die.

  8. JC - Thanks for your advice. I pinched it off already.

  9. Hi Ting,

    I hv 1 pot of coleus that had been flowering non stop for the past 8 months. Really pretty flowers too. Can check it out in this link

    I also read that I should pinch out the blooms to make the plant last longer...but I didn't do thatbecause the flowers were so pretty. So I got to enjoy the flowers which bloomed non stop for about 8 months. Its only recently that the coleus looks kind of weak and limp.So perhaps its about time I start pinching off the flowers and maybe do some repotting!

    But do enjoy the blooms while you can! Don't pinch it out too soon coz its quite rare that you can get them to bloom! :)

  10. Oh sorry, there is a better picture of the coleus flower here :[http://rozas22.wordpress.com/2010/03/08/1728/]
