Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Flowers in the patio

It's a joy to see flowers blooming in the garden, and even better if they have the potential to turn into edible fruits.

The tomato plants have been flowering for weeks but I've been removing them because I want the plants to grow bigger first. Now that they're about a metre tall,  I think it's time. I feel so lucky that 3 plants have done well. This is by far my most successful attempt. Touch wood.

The chives are also flowering profusely. I used to wonder why they don't flower but now I do. I haven't harvested the leaves for eating all year, so they have an opportunity to mature and produce flowers. Look at how gorgeous they are!
 My faithful calamansi plant is about to begin another season of fruiting. The plant is filled with white fragrant flowers. I love how they brighten up the patio with their aroma and pristine petals.

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