Sunday, January 4, 2015


With the year end downpours, my garden is turning into a jungle. Besides the annoying weeds showing up everywhere, I'm also very amused to see other plants appearing out of nowhere. These were plants that I had grown over the years but were long gone. They have revived!

I've got a few snakeweed shoots growing strong. They can grow into huge plants! Oh no, I don't have the space for them.
 This weed called common asystasia is growing all over my garden. They're fast growers but thank goodness, are easy to get rid of as well due to the shallow roots.

I love it when periwinkle flowers peek out here and there in my garden. They grow easily from the seeds dispersed and needless to say, they're a common sight in my garden.
This passiflora foetida (we called them chow pok in our childhood) is suddenly growing furiously in my garden. It is creeping all over my plants but I'm hesitant to remove it because the fruits attract birds. I'm pretty sure this plant is propogated by birds as I've never had this plant growing in my garden before.
 My son brought back some bidens seed years ago and this seed has never stopped flourishing in my garden. They can grow into large plants with lots of flowers which attract butterflies.
 I used to have the ceylon spinach growing years ago. For some reason, this new plant suddenly sprouted in one corner. I never quite knew what to do with this plant until I ate the leaves fried in spicy sambal in Jakarta.
When I spotted this singular leaf, I was so happy. I used to grow this plant (angel's wing?) some years ago but it didn't survive for long. The roots are still healthy which explains this sudden sprout.
 This is another long forgotten plant that I used to have which completely dissappeared eventually. One new leaf has popped up. Hope it will mutiply and flourish again.
 The most common plant growing in my garden now is Thai basil. The seeds from the plants  scatter everywhere and I'm blessed with so many basil plants that I can make basil chicken anytime I want.
 My mint plants have also multiplied. They're easy to propagate through stem cuttings. Simply snip and poke them in the soil. They thrive in wet and shady corners.
Eversince I poked some sweet potato stems in a pot, they have never stopped growing. The leaves are so pretty and they're delicious fried in spicy sambal. They grow effortlessly too.

 Finally, the episias are thriving in the shade. The leaves burn under the sun, but when they find the right spot away from direct sunlight, they're such a pretty sight to behold. These plants multiply quickly and will flower even without much care.