I can't really complain about the lack of space in my patio garden because I get to romp about in my parent's backyard every weekend. They rotate the crops regularly and these days, the yard is dominated by gigantic yam plants. My dad is really good at growing them. The tubers are huge and they taste fantastic simply steamed.
They have so much vegetables to spare, mum is always urging me to bring some home. Every Saturday evening, you will find me harvesting bags of sweet potato leaves, 'Di Huang Cai' or chives. They are organic and free. What more can a girl ask for?
I was planning to add a wooden deck just outside the balcony but I didn't expect the cost to be so high. The deck area is only (12x5ft) 60 sq ft but I can imagine how it would make a difference to my living room space. That would also mean hacking off part of the old boardwalk.
I'm still deliberating. While I don't have any new deck to flaunt, let me show you some new plants I have bought.